PGY2801 - Electronic Still Photography
Project 6 – Product Photographs
Two (4)
Look through several print magazines and find several
"tear sheets" to use as inspiration. Study the formal aspects of
these images in terms of the topics we have discussed. Save the sheets
for reference as we set up the shots in the studio. Acquire all of the
props and products you will need to make the photographs.
Using two
different products:
- Create Four (4) arranged product photographs. Use light, camera angle and lens focal length and cropping to create compelling images.
- Create Two (2) Significantly Different variations of each product shot.
- To learn
to see the lighting character, camera angles, distances,
composition, framing and other "formal" elements, to better
understand these -all controllable by the photographer-which help to
make a successful commercial image. From that experience, you will construct two successful product photographs sets, and incorporate them into an advertising layout.
by selecting several possible tear
from magazines
to plan out your product shots.
Using the formal structure of the photographs and the graphics in the
chosen tear sheet
as the inspiration for the ad, produce the product shots for the page
layout. Your product shot can
be the same subject or a different one with a
look and feel.
- You will determine the correct lighting
and key, camera angle, color schemes, etc. You must choose/acquire
props, select the backgrounds, and build the set, shoot the images and
prepare a layout. Use
the correct camera settings to capture properly
exposed images.
As usual, Provide
the RAW files and, the associated
.XMP sidecar files. Also include your final .PSD with all of your
cropping, text, insets, retouching & color corrections